Kazda nowa wiadomosc o moim ulubionym rezyserze PAULU THOMASIE ANDERSONIE jest dobrym dniem wiec kopiuje ta informacje tu na bloga. Ty mrazem bedzie on robil film o gosciu, ktory wymyslil swoja religie .. bardzo ciekawy temat bardzo na czasie juz sie jaram :) tym bardziej ze mysle bardzo podobnie ostatnio... jestem bardzo religijny jak bym odnalazl swoja religie chodz nie ma ona jeszcze nazwy...
Rejoice! It's time for Paul Thomas Anderson and Philip Seymour Hoffman to work together again. After Sydney, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, and Punch Drunk Love, Variety reports that the two are teaming up for a new feature about a man who creates his own religion. But don't celebrate too much -- this news is still in the early stages. Anderson is said to be planning to submit a finished script to Universal, who will then decide whether or not they will greenlight it (um, yes please). And, the trade couldn't get comment from the studio, or either man's reps.
But here's what we do know. Should this go into production, there will be a $35 million price tag with Hoffman finally getting center stage playing "the Master" (as in master of ceremonies), a charismatic man who starts "a faith-based organization" in the 1950s. He teams up with a twentysomething drifter named Freddie »